Hello 👋

You've reached the website of Adam Cassis, a web (though not exclusively) developer. You can find him on github and keybase.

Books is a book reading journal. I read a lot and wanted to keep track of it, in a simplest way possible.

Ruby on Rails

Malope is a macOS app for adding custom metadata to image files. Instead of storing the data in a database referencing image file names, it can be placed inside the image file.


Yearly displays a randomly selected event from Wikipedia page about the year visible on a 24-hour digital watch.


A simple memory game designed to familiarize yourself with Chinese characters, created in collaboration with Damian Mandzunowski. It was initially developed as a mobile app.


Piata is a quite hard math game, created in collaboration with Tadek Teleżyński. Developed first as an Arduino “arcade” game, then ported to a mobile game format.


My grandfather took a lot of pictures, but he rarely developed them. This project is an attempt to archive these photographs with my grandfathers' voice commentary recorded in the present.
